Health & Wellness Blog

5 stretches to ensure a good sleep

Written by Sheila Arambulo | Jul 11, 2023 4:11:30 PM

Stretching is frequently disregarded when considering natural sleep aids, such as chamomile tea or essential oil diffusers. But this little action can make it easier for you to nod off and enhance the quality of your sleep.



A 2016 analysis of research revealed a connection between yoga and other forms of meditation and better sleep. A higher quality of life was also associated with this enhanced sleep quality. But why does stretching affect sleep in this way? Probably a combination of things.


One benefit of stretching is that it encourages you to become more aware of your body and breath, rather than the stresses of the day. This bodily awareness aids in the development of mindfulness, which has been linked to improved sleep quality.


Stretching may have physical advantages as well, such as easing muscle tension and averting cramps that could disturb your sleep. Just be sure to limit your stretching to soft motions. 


1. Bear hug 

Your upper back's rhomboids and trapezius muscles are worked out by this stretch. It aids in easing shoulder blade stiffness or pain brought on by frozen shoulder, bursitis, or bad posture.


To perform this stretch

  • Open your arms wide and take a deep breath as you stand tall.
  • Inhale and then give yourself a hug by crossing your arms such that your right arm is over your left and vice versa.
  • Draw your shoulders forward with your hands and take a deep breath.
  • For 30 seconds, maintain this stretch.
  • Take a deep breath in and spread your arms wide to release.

Repeat with your left arm on top as you exhale.

2. Neck exercises

These stretches will assist in releasing tension from your shoulders, neck, and head. When performing them, try to concentrate on keeping excellent posture.

Do the following stretches:


  • Take a seat in a cosy chair. Put your right hand over your left ear or the top of your head.
  • Hold this position for five breaths while gently bringing your right ear towards your right shoulder.
  • On the other side, repeat.
  • Maintaining a forward-facing posture for the rest of your body, turn to look over your right shoulder.
  • Five breaths should be held in this position.
  • On the other side, repeat.


3. Kneeling lat stretch 

Your back and shoulder muscles will become more flexible as a result of this stretch, reducing stiffness and suffering.

To perform this stretch

  • Get down on your knees in front of a couch, low table, or chair.
  • Make sure your knees are positioned squarely beneath your hips. For further support, you can lie on a blanket or cushion.
  • Fold forward while lengthening your spine and placing your forearms on the ground with your palms facing each other.
  • For 30 seconds, maintain this stretch.
  • Repeat between one and three times.


4. Child’s pose 

A more relaxed version of a kneeling lat stretch, Child's Pose is a stretching position for relaxation. It's ideal for focusing on your breathing, unwinding, and lowering tension. Additionally, it aids in easing neck, shoulder, and back discomfort.


To perform this stretch

  • Sitting back on your heels, get to your knees.
  • Fold forward, hinge at the hips, and place your forehead on the ground.
  • To support your neck, extend your arms in front of you or bring them close to your body. For further support, place a pillow or cushion beneath your thighs or forehead.
  • While maintaining the posture, take a few deep breaths and pay attention to any tightness or discomfort you may be feeling.
  • Hold the position while taking a deep breath in and focusing on any tightness or soreness in your back.
  • For up to 5 minutes, maintain this posture. To give your body a break in between other stretches, you can also enter this position.

5. Lunge forward 

Your hips, thighs, and groin are stretched during this lunge. The stress and soreness in this area, as well as in your back and shoulders, might be relieved by opening your chest. When performing this pose, try to maintain your calm and avoid exerting too much force.


To perform this stretch

  • Lunge forward while keeping your left leg extended and your right knee on the floor. Position your right foot just behind your right knee.
  • Put your hands on the ground, on your knees, or up towards the ceiling, beneath your shoulders.
  • Deepen your breathing while stretching your spine and expanding your chest.
  • The energy line that passes through the crown of your head can be felt.
  • For five breaths, maintain this position.
  • On the other side, repeat.

Do remember

Anytime and anywhere where you'll do them regularly is the greatest time and place to conduct bedtime stretches. Plan to stretch an hour to two hours before going to bed. You'll be more inclined to skip it if you wait until you're exhausted at the last minute. It should come when you're winding down, not as the final thing you do before bed.

If you face any pain while doing these exercises,  Squareonephysio can help you out and ease your pain.  Book a physiotherapy appointment with us as soon as possible to understand the cause of your pain and we will provide the best treatment for you.