Health & Wellness Blog

How to improve your metabolism?

Written by Sheila Arambulo | Jul 26, 2023 4:28:25 PM

The terms "high metabolism" and "low metabolism" are well-known, but what do they actually represent and is it possible to alter your body's natural metabolism rate? Your body's rate of calorie to energy conversion is known as your metabolism. 

The more active you are, regardless of how each person is physically formed, the greater your metabolic rate will be. You can even perform a few activities to increase your metabolism. You may learn everything you need to know about metabolism from this article, including the activities you can perform to speed it up!

What does metabolism mean?

Your body uses the metabolic process to turn food into energy. You can breathe, think, sleep, and even digest food thanks to it.


An individual with a strong metabolism can burn calories quickly. When trying to lose weight, this can be helpful, but if it's too high, it can also cause issues like exhaustion. The opposite is true if your metabolism is low: you are not burning calories as quickly as you should be. Weight loss may be considerably more difficult than it needs to be due to low metabolism.


There are a number of variables that can influence how quickly your body burns calories by digesting meals, including:

1. Age - 

Your metabolism tends to slow down as you age. This is caused by a number of things, including being less active and consuming less calories. For instance, one study indicated that participants who were older burned 29% fewer calories than those who were younger.


Men often have higher metabolic rates than women do because men tend to have bigger muscle mass, which utilises more energy during exercise when it contracts and relaxes. Additionally, men of the same height and age typically weigh more than women.


2. Body composition

Because fatty tissue has fewer blood arteries and oxygen-carrying capacity than lean muscle tissue, it burns less calories than other forms of tissue. For instance, according to study, 10 pounds of fat would only burn 20 calories a day while at rest, compared to 50 calories for 10 pounds of muscle. You will therefore burn more calories and have a higher metabolism if you have more muscle mass.


Does exercise improve metabolism?

Yes is the clear-cut response. The trick, though, is picking the appropriate exercises for metabolism-boosting. For instance, we are aware that daily calorie expenditure increases with the amount of lean muscle tissue a person has. Therefore, compound movement-focused weight training exercises like deadlifts and squats can aid in helping you develop the ideal body composition required for a high metabolism.


Cardio is also crucial. Exercises that increase your heart rate, such as jogging, leaping, and aerobics, can speed up your metabolism and burn calories. Just keep in mind to eat a snack high in protein before any high-intensity activities. 


Treatments for a few metabolic disease symptoms include:

  • Strengthening exercises could be utilized to make your child's muscles stronger, enabling them to play with other kids, increasing their level of independence, and improving their quality of life.
  • Your physiotherapist could suggest activities that will put more strain on certain muscles, like crawling, walking, and swimming exercises, to enhance muscular tone.
  • We can assist in educating you and your youngster on how to simplify tasks or make life as easy as possible.


In order to realize your full potential, our physiotherapists can help using treatments in a fun and interesting approach.